flow2 entry


1.  A grill.  Purchase one, or use one that you already have.  There are some requirements, see here.

2.  A rotisserie rod to mount the drum on.  See our rotisseries here.

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3.  A motor or hand-crank to turn the roast over the fire.  See our line of motors here.  Motors should be 25-60RPM with a 6RPM absolute minimum.

4.  A method to cool the coffee.  See our line of coolers here.  A simple way is to make one out of a common box fan.  


The easiest way is to choose one of our kits that has most or everything you need.  Select a roast volume below to see the kits.

  • 2LB Roasters – Roasting for the family or for the professional sample roaster.  ¼LB-6LB per hour volumes.
  • 4LB Roasters – Entry level hobbyist or business roaster.  ¼LB-15LB per hour volumes.
  • 6LB Roasters – Mid-level hobbyist or business roaster.  ¼LB-23.5LB per hour volumes.
  • 8LB Roasters – Large volume business roaster.  ½LB-30LB per hour volumes.
  • 12LB Roasters – Largest volume business roaster.  ½LB-45LB per hour volumes.
  • Need bigger?  We have custom drums up to 150LB/hr.  Call us. 470-798-9464 or Skype Logosm  NAME: rkdrums

5.  Not sure what you need?  Check out the roaster flowchart here to help you decide.

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