Should I White Label or Roast My Own Coffee?

If you’re a coffee shop or coffee supplier and are asking yourself the question:

Should I white label my coffee or roast my own coffee?

then you will also be wondering which technique is better for your business?

The question really becomes, what is going to drive greater customer loyalty, and which is going to give me a better product compared to what my competition has?

Let’s discuss white labeling, for those that might be unfamiliar.  White labeling is contracting a, usually local, roaster to roast coffee for you so that you can apply your own shop’s brand\label to that bag.  If you’re busy setting up your shop and still in the beginning stages, then you could feel, and legitimately be, overwhelmed with tasks and other things requiring your attention and focus.

During these challenging times, it does make quite a bit of sense to offload the coffee roasting process onto a 3rd party to take that load off of yourself while things are very busy.  However, you’ll pay a larger cost for the coffee than what you otherwise might produce yourself.  It’s quite probable, if not likely, that the coffee you’re white labeling is no longer a “fresh” coffee and this is something that you can taste in the cup. From a purely economical standpoint, and a taste standpoint, you’d be better off roasting your own coffee at a cheaper cost, and providing a fresher, better tasting product to your customers.

If producing my own coffee is cheaper and better quality, then why doesn't everyone do it?

It’s an undisputed fact that producing your own coffee is fresher and more economical than purchasing it elsewhere.  Like so many other things in life, sometimes we pay for convenience, but we pay people and companies for that convenience instead of doing it ourselves at a cheaper rate.  What folks don’t realize is that freshly roasted coffee is quite honestly and truly astoundingly better.

Freshly roasted coffee has an aroma and a flavor that simply can’t be found elsewhere.  Most coffees that you purchase may have been roasted 3 to 6 months previously, and the taste difference is truly significant.  It’s so significant in fact, that simply roasting your own can give your shop the title of “Best coffee in town.”


Many people don't roast because it's expensive and intimidating.

It’s understandable that roasting is an intimidating and potentially expensive subject.  However, we at RK Drums, excel in teaching the art of roasting to individuals on a daily basis.  We also feature large volume roasting equipment, at, in most cases less than $1000.  Within the course of a single weekend we can have you producing the freshest, and lowest cost coffee that you can get that will give your shop and brand a significant edge in the coffee business.  Customers may not know how to find good coffee, but they’ll know it as soon as they taste it.

In fact, your total cost to produce the freshest coffee in town, and likely some of the highest grade of coffee, could run as low as $4 a pound packaged with your labeling.  The difference in this over your current pricing is not only better coffee, more customer retention, faster growth, but also increased profits!

White labeling is understandable if your time and resources are at a premium.  If you’re overwhelmed with tasks, white labeling coffee for a time makes sense.  

However, as soon as you can catch your breath, do your business, your customers and your bottom line a favor and roast your own coffee. It’s really easy, and we make the whole process simple.  It’s common for our methods to produce world-class coffee for our customers over the span of one weekend.  Get Started learning here, or call us at 470-798-9464 to discuss how we might help get you started quickly. If you prefer a webchat, please contact us at the chat icon at lower left.

Let RK Drums help you get to that next level!

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